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About Q-Data

Q-Data was founded in 2014. We have been fortunate to work with over two hundred and fifty private and public businesses and organisations, addressing the quality of data, utilising cleansed data for marketing campaigns, and generating high volume leads. We captured every single statistic relating to over six million lines of data. In addition, we recorded the result from every dataset and marketing campaign and captured Return On Investment. This data provides us with valuable insights. 

The legal obligations enforceable by the GDPR on the 25th May 2018 introduced new implications for us as Data Processors. Data controllers experienced uncertainty as they addressed how the regulations changed the ways in which they were responsible for personal data. There are 99 GDPR articles and 170 corresponding recitals to digest!

Our focus turned to data compliance. By ensuring data processing activities are lawful, data compliance becomes baked into the strategy and mindset of the companies or organisations we work with and most importantly, we can demonstrate that accurate, compliant data returns value to our clients. 

The 'Q' in Q-Data stands for 'Quality' and represents the hallmark of accurate, compliant data we want our clients to achieve.

Summary of Knowledge and Experience

We have developed a data protection framework alongside a suite of pre-filled templates, ensuring compliance can be tailored seamlessly.

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected."
Steve Jobs

Michelle Sumecki
Founder and Data Protection Practitioner

Michelle has a background in IT project management, working with senior stakeholders, developing methodologies deployed by the global business, including training and project post-implementation reviews. 

After a career in academic publishing, Michelle worked in the private and public sectors as a contractor. Her various assignments include website project management, involving vast historical data for the public. She has been involved in IT system development, through to end-user training. Other roles have included lead generation strategy, data cleansing, and digital marketing.

With over twenty years of experience working with business and personal data, Michelle combines invaluable practical knowledge with Data Protection Practitioner accreditation. 

"I always say it only takes one bad apple to create a world of pain if data hasn't been handled correctly, or compliance isn't in place. Don't wait for the bad apple!"